Saturday, July 10, 2010

Keeping up with the news.

God Bless America . . . God bless our World.
The cartoonists are in good stead as they keep us up on what is going on in our world. They don't seem to miss a headline and bring out the best and the worst of the events happening around us. The sad part is that the events are not funny, but it is a good way to get every ones attention so that we all know what is going on. A lot of folks do not want to hear the news good or bad as they are just too busy to read what is in the newspapers . . . we are finding out there is a lot not even talked about or written about and it is a good thing we have computers whereby current events are talked about. I'm thankful for the hand full of reporters on television who are not afraid to give a conflicting opinion so we can know what is on going. I may or may not agree with the words spoken, but at least I am hearing the words which signal the signs of the times, and I cannot blame anyone but myself if I am not aware of what is going on around me.
I find that cartoons are the tip of the iceberg and we have to open our eyes and our ears and find out more behind the captions. I am thankful for the talented men and women who draw the cartoons and send out their interpretation of the events of the day.
So tomorrow, Sunday, tune in to Bob Cheever and listen to a quiet man bring you up to date with current events and the men and women who play a part in them. Meanwhile enjoy today and make it a lazy summer day and do a lot of nothing special . . . r&r . . . I'm watering as the bird bath doesn't have a drop in it as my dozen little budgie birds sit on the fence and wait patiently for food and drink, and a swim in their pool. Right now the deer are eating on the Rose of Sharon bush. I'd love to take its picture but as soon as I stand it would disappear. Go . . . make your day a good one. Hugs to all.

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