Sunday, July 4, 2010


Our local newspaper was filled with all of the events taking place over at the kite field this weekend. There are a lot of tourists in town and many of them are on the charter boat fishing for ling cod and other tasty delights while the wind blows giving them a ride they wont forget. The sun is shining so all is right at the Port. Here in the neighborhood our new neighbor's boys are out in the street with special fire crackers in tow. I was sitting in my chair watching television when the first fire cracker went off and I think I jumped five feet, maybe six, even though I had been forewarned that the boys would be shooting off a 'few' fire crackers. The little Chinese strings brought back a memory or two, but those big boomers still have a way of shaking me out of my skin. I was very happy when they closed up shop by nine thirty p.m. and I had the rest of the evening in quiet silence. Today is the Fourth of July and there are no parades but I am sure the boys will find a way to parade out on the street and shoot some more of those noisy crackers and shake me all over again. Well, that is for one day and I can take it. Our local newspaper sends messages through the computer when something big happens and the other day they reported a grenade was found in some bushes on a property near the Port. It turned out to be a dud and our bomb squad did a great job retrieving the grenade and blowing it up to find it was nothing to be concerned about but the authorities are still interested in who and why a grenade was hidden in the bushes . . . dud or not. Which leads me to the editorial section and our illustrious editor decided to put excerpts of the Declaration of Independence in the column. I was happy to see it so I could refresh my memory and surprised myself by remembering the start but oh so much had been forgotten. One paragraph stood out as I read what Congress of July 4, 1776, had to say . . .
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Isn't it amazing how we can identify today's problems with what transpired so many years ago. We fought for our freedom, thus we celebrate the Fourth of July . . . are we willing to fight again? It seems we are heading in that same direction.
So today, I hope each of you are celebrating your freedom. I hope you know 'what side the bread is buttered on' and when it comes time to vote you will have the knowledge and the inclination to 'fight' for your freedom and have your 'say' in what matters in your life. Make today a good one and go out and fire up a fire cracker and quake and shake with the noise of it. Don't forget to show the flag even if it is a newspaper copy of one . . . mine is and it is right on the front wall doorway looking like it belongs right there . . . wonder if I can frame it.
Thanks for all the holiday greetings, made me light up just like the firecrackers. Hugs to all.

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