Monday, May 31, 2010

A Rainy Memorial Day

Mt. McKinley
Train travel

A bear looking in the window ! ! ! When I saw this picture on daughter Pat's blog with a caption telling her brother John that it was a"'close call and don't worry nothing happened to the jeep." I almost had a stroke thinking she encountered bears and other wild animals on her 'rough roads'. My thoughts ran to she could have been killed, but she allayed my fears when she telephoned this morning to tell me it was 'stuffed bear' . . . wonder if there is a law against spanking your adult child?

Her conversation was animated and she has enjoyed every minute of her Alaskan holiday. She and her brother went on a seven hour train ride to Denali National Park only to find that the hotels were outside the park and then there were eight hour bus trips around the park to see everything there was to see. They just didn't have the time to do it right but what they did see they enjoyed. Pat had never been on a train before so it was a new experience for her and her comment was that she wanted the train to stop so she could visit some of the antique stores along the way. There was a feeling of 'old times' as some people hail the train and it does stop to pick them up. I gather it is not as primitive as we think. The northern lights were hidden from view as was Mt. McKinley. Pat had hopes of getting some pictures but unless it really clears between now and her Wednesday flight, she will have to rely on her brother to take pictures when and if he sees them as the days are long and bright until eleven p.m. She is more than ready to return to her dog Emma and her comfortable bed. I assured her that her little house is still standing but looking forlorn without her. She mentioned she had the best halibut fish tacos in the world up in Alaska, so Pancho's fish tacos may have lost their 'being the best in town' although I am betting in a few short weeks she will be happy to settle for the fresh fish tacos right here in her own back yard.

There must be a little dark cloud hovering over my place this week. I went out to push the hand mower as the grass was getting much too tall. I have a postage size back yard so it is not a problem for me to push the mower but being senseless I tried to mow wet grass and got nowhere. My neighbor, La Verne came over to see what was making such ungodly noise as I went over and over one spot until it showed yellow. I quit when I heard her say Chon was coming to cut her grass knowing he would come with his electric mower and cut mine in less than five minutes. Well he mowed her grass then came over to rescue me but as he went around the third time in a small circle his power motor gave up the ghost and I am left with a middle of high grass and a well trimmed circle surrounding it. Of course it is raining today so he most likely will not return to finish the job. I had hoped he would have time to do the large hedge but he didn't have gas for his electric trimmer. I didn't dare offer him hand shears as he might take offense at having to use rusty shears. I'll tread lightly today as I wash away the bird turd one more time. I keep singing "It's so nice to have a man around the house . . . " hoping one will knock on my door and do all those 'honey-do' jobs that are on my growing list. Why couldn't I have been born with a talent for fixing things? . . . the Good Lord knew what He was doing, I might have knocked a bearing wall down as my husband would attest to, as I walked by with a hammer in my hand, you can be assured he got up out of his comfortable chair with a verbal word or two and finally finished a long awaited job.

So today, Memorial Day, I am hoping for sunshine, good friends, delicious food and a cold beer or two is on your 'to-do' list today. As for me I'm cuddling with my book and hope to finish it today. Colleen McCullough wrote "The Touch" and it has been a very good read. Go . . . enjoy the day, all day, as work awaits tomorrow. Hugs to all.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorials and Such

There is always a twinge of melancholy on Memorial Day as the celebrations go on to honor the veterans of all wars, and sad to say, even those that are dying each day in what is known as a 'conflict'. I do not understand the whys and am no expert in debating the right and wrong of sending our young men and women into an area without giving them the full backing of 'winning' this war on terrorism.

On the news last night there was an Islam cleric defending the building of a new mosque where the twin towers stood. Something is very wrong. He tells us that Islam is not an enemy of America and its people, then went on to tell us that our freedom of religion gives them the right to build wherever they choose . . . so why choose that particular area where thousands were killed on 911? Those victims of the bombing are truly veterans of a war they never knew existed. My hope is that the leaders of our nation will see that this mosque is not build on what should be 'hallowed ground'.

As I said the holiday brings a few sad thoughts along with the annual parade that brings tears of pride to your eyes when the flag goes by and the band plays. Hats off to the community members who work so hard to bring about the beautiful floats. Here in Brookings the sun was shining and our street was used as a detour for several hours. I saw trucks and cars go by my house, even a land whale or two, as they created noise on our quiet street. I'm glad to know it is not going to be a daily happening.

My other news this morning is that a bird has decided to nest in the eaves of the house, knocking three panels of mesh of the air vents which keep things neat and tidy. She has decided to leave her slippery, sloppy, white turds all over the porch and the side of the house and I have taken to battle.
I filled a pail with hot soapy water with bleach and ammonia in it, almost died from breathing the fumes, and have added a mop as well as a broom as I go out and fight the battle with momma bird. She sits on her nest and listens to my noise and attempt to evict her. She is an expert in ignoring me, but yesterday I poked a long wire up into the eaves hoping to scare her away and maybe catch the nest and remove it . . . wishful thinking on my part as my little step ladder was not tall enough to do the job right, or the fact that I am not really a steady or courageous enough to climb the wobbly kitchen ladders. So for two days I have done battle only to find last evening another onslaught on the porch . . . yep, today I will do battle again if I can get my courage up to climb one more rung of the ladder and give her the poke she deserves. Such thanklessness when I allowed her to nest there and watched as she gathered her leaves and twigs. I didn't think she would thank me by giving me her smelly wet sloppy turds.

So today, if you are not out bird fighting, check and see what is going on in your neighborhood. I hope you have a parade with marching bands and are invited to the first bar-b-qu of the season. My guest has gone and gifted me with a new puzzle so you know what I am doing today. Join me if you can, there are a thousand pieces waiting for attention. Hugs to all . . . Engarde! ! !

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friends and Enemies

It really is nice to make a new friend.

New license plates from Arizona.The people of Arizona have the right to stand up and try to stop this illegal invasion, as does every other state in our union. It is a bit late to close the barn door after the horses have gone when the first onslaught of illegals came over the border by the thousands and no one paid attention to broken laws. Now if you or I, legal citizens of this country broke a law we would be taken care of immediately to make sure we paid for our actions. Why the amnesty and now after millions more have entered our country illegally it seems to be a problem no one elected to the Congress and the Senate to uphold our laws wants to stand up and be counted . . . Arizona is the first to say it has to stop. Our President just entertained the President of Mexico who got on television and took us to task for our attitude. This leader doesn't want his poor back in his country as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. He wants us to take care of his fellow country men after all we are a nation that has always wanted immigrants and that has not changed . . . we do want immigrants but LEGAL immigrants who come to make a better life and are willing to abide by the laws of our land . . . our own ancestors did by the millions and help make this country the best in our world. I wonder how King Solomon would have decided on this particular problem. As for me, I think they should be led back to their own country and let the President of Mexico take care of his own people.
So today, as you head into a holiday weekend and have time away from the task of making a living and paying your just dues, why not bask in the sunshine and enjoy quiet time and forget the cares of the world. Hugs to all.

Friday, May 28, 2010


The caption for this picture is called "Burning Clouds" and the pictures were taken by Tsungwei who waited patiently for the right moment to capture the beauty of Yunnan Mountain Valley.
In So West Kunnmig, a capitol city of Yannan province in China, the children are walking one way to school as the donkey carts carry produce to the markets in the opposite direction.

This beautiful area is not on the tourists route as it is 2,600 miles above sea level. Oxidization and metallic minerals gradually added and mixed in the soil to produce extra ordinary reddish brown soil and the colors of the different planted crops from flowers, oil flowers and different vegetables create the beauty you see in this picture. The caption mentioned the arrangement had to have been painted by God.

The old timers used to say a load of hay meant rain was coming . . . wonder what they would have to say about this load of hay. It seems nothing is sacred anymore, poison in the name of white powder to blow your mind. I guess Nancy Reagan's "just say no' hasn't worked yet. Our world is filled with comparisons, interesting isn't it?
So today before you decide on a vacation to China or Mexico, think about the upcoming weekend which will usher in our first days of summer . . . Memorial Day . . . a day to walk the pathways of cemeteries, maybe help place a flag or two on the grave sites of the veterans of all wars, or if you are close by a Veteran's hospital you might think to take a little time to visit a veteran who is alone. It is just a very nice gesture on your part as you leave a tiny spark of caring behind you. If you are going to the parade, for heavens sake put your hand over your heart when our flag goes by, stand up and cheer out loud and be proud to be an American. Clap, you know, put your hands together and smile with pride in your eyes. Hugs to all.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm Back

As usual our Oregon weather held no surprises as we rode up highway 101 with a rain drop or two on the windshield. Paula practiced using the windshield wipers before leaving as her rental car is new to her and this was a good thing as she had to use them often along our route. The sun came out and it felt good so we took advantage and had a beach walk looking for agates at Gold Beach. The winds blew hard and cold and only sugar agates sparkled in the rocks while the tide crept closer as we walked along.
The pathway into the beach is overgrown with bramble bushes, sea grass and lots of prickly berry vines.

Here is Paula smiling as she is where she wants to be . . . on the beach searching for rocks for her grandsons who use them to make roads for their little cars. She found a tin box at the thrift store that has a picture of a racing driver that comes from Arkansas. It is filled with treasures from the sea.

Here by the roadside is a waterfall. There was no taking a picture of the beginning of the fall as the brush and brambles have taken over the area.

The clouds were plentiful and dropped a veil over the mountain top. We had a little fog in some areas but it was misty and dissipated quickly showing a bit of the blue sky and a few picture clouds to entertain us.
Our original destination was Coos Bay and we stayed at the Mill, on the Bay side and was able to have an open window to watch the tug boat come in from the north side of the bay and heading, what we thought, to the east side of the bay hopefully to lead one of those huge boats by us, but it made circles several times making us guess that they were training a new pilot for the tug or the pilot couldn't make up his mind which was to steer it. He finally straightened out looking a like a 'drunken sailor' listing towards the port side.
I had birthday coupons for our dinner and was presented a lovely tiny cake which they boxed up and we took to our room for a desert later. We toured the floor and saw a few new penny machines which are house machines. They are not going to pay a king's ransom but they are entertaining.
Our second day was a ride up to Florence some forty miles north of Coos Bay. The ride was beautiful and peaceful, lots of yellow gorse has taken over the sides of the highway and although pretty of color it is one of the invasive plants that choaks out everything in its path. It has spread in all directions, even into the fields and meadows. Florence is a lovely town with an antique store to tempt us into buying a trinket or two. We found our way to the 'new' casino, not sure how long it has been there but they did a good job of making it a great tourist attraction. It was a fun place with some machines we have never seen before touting 'The Amazing Race' and it ties four machines together so when a certain place is reached all four machines are set on a 'race' and the points start adding up. It was fun. All in all we had a great time and arrived back home in Brookings to return to the more mundane things in life . . . you know, laundry, grocery shopping, checking the mail and a surprise guest who kept us busy and the coffee pot hot.
So today I hope that you are coming or going on or off a small trip to some place you want to see. I hope you have drop in company that makes you smile. It is Thursday already and Memorial Day weekend is here. Grab an American flag and wave it high and proudly as some 'idiot' raised the question on the computer asking 'should the American flag be banned?' where is my soap box, I have a few words for that person or group . . . are they out of their minds? Hugs to all.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Latest from Alaska and Daughter Pat.

The Botanical Gardens
A mask at the museum . . . if it looks like a duck then it must be a duck!!

If I had seen the signs before she left believe me I would have been a little more insistent that she take me with her . . . I would not be much for protection but then I could shout a warning or two of my own. So far she is all in one piece, no wolves or bears have been in her walking paths and I don't think she put her hand over the rail of the ferry boat when the whale swam by.

The walking path Pat said she whistled through just in case there was an unfriendly creature or two hiding in the trees . . . nope!! none!!! She had her walk, enjoyed the scenery and wondered what time of year the flowers actually bloom.

All in all, daughter Pat is having the time of her life. Her brother is back in town this weekend so she will be wined and dined and hopefully they will be able to do a bit of sight seeing together before she hops the plane for home. It certainly is going to be a treat to have her back home.
I'll blog in the morning and tell you all about the trip Paula and I took up to Florence via Coos Bay and the good old 101 highway. Oregon is really truly green, lush, and silence prevails at many spots. I missed blogging for the past couple of days, but then you all needed a rest I'm sure.
Hope you had a good day and that you have a sweet dream night. See you in the morning. Hugs to all.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Time Out

Memorial Day coming up and my guest will be leaving for her home in Arkansas. Paula has been enjoying the ocean, the waves in their many moods, the seagulls and the illusive whales which we tried to coax above the water. We found a little park by Ocean View Drive where the huge estate like homes are and it turned out to be a terrific spot to watch for whales. We actually saw the black body but it didn't surface or show its tail but still it is exciting to know that this huge sea creature is right there within eyesight. We had stopped at Slugs and Stones at the Port and had a hot fudge sundae. Paula looked for pecans but found regular peanuts buried in the mound of whip cream. Nevertheless it went down easily.

Paula is a master of art as she does counted cross stitch and the results of her work is magnificent pictures painted by needle and thread. Her work is perfection and should hang in the best of galleries. I have a beautiful one of Tuscany she made for me and this time she brought with her a finished work of a Thomas Kincaid garden with unbelievable colors and french knots that are masterful. I am going to have it made up into a pillow top as it is now laying over a pillow and the brightness and beauty makes my couch come alive. I watch her sit patiently as she puts in one tiny stitch after another and slowly brings to life unbelievable beauty. Right now she is working on a light house and the sea and it is going to be a masterpiece.
She will be leaving the end of this week to return to Arkansas but not before we take a two day trip to Coos Bay and visit the book stores and the antique shops. We will stay at the mill and may get to soak in the hot tub depending on the weather as it is outside. We will walk the mall and see what bargains are out there and you know we will find our way to a special restaurant daughter Pat and I discovered and keep returning to. Muffins to die for.

So today, Monday, the first new day of the week, a starter day and hopefully a 'stellar' day for each of us. You are going to have a reprieve as I wander off, so count your blessings and know I'll be gathering fodder for the next blog when I get back. Prepare for Memorial Day and make it a good one. Don't forget the candle for those in uniform. Hugs to all.

Paula working on her newest creation.

Time Out

Here is the lovely Paula working on her counted cross stitch. I amazed at her patience and the exquisite work she does. I have a new beautiful garden scene that has more french knots than you can count, each stitch perfect and it is awesome. I am going to have it made into a pillow top so I can enjoy it every day. It is so unbelieveable how much it brightens my couch pillow right now and it isn't even attached. I've tried counted cross stitch and believe me, unless you have the patience of job, the inert bravery to do each individual stitch and follow a color scheme don't try it as it is far from easy . . . it is drawing a picture stitch by stitch and coming up with a masterpiece.

We are heading out today to Coos Bay for a two night stay at The Mill. The Mall awaits us as does the books stores and the antique shops. Paula is going to have a mini vacation within her vacation. She is going to be leaving at the end of the week and I will have an empty nest for a day or two before daughter Christine arrives for the Memorial Day weekend. I'm looking forward to her visit.

Last evening we took a ride around Ocean View Drive where the huge homes are and found, much to my amazement, a small park I never knew was there. It led to a grassy area overlooking the ocean and we got to see a huge whale playing between the rocks. We could see the black body skimming the waves but needed binoculars to get a real good look at it. We had stopped at Slugs and Stones at the Port and had one of those delicious hot fudge sundaes. Paula was disappointed she got peanuts on hers when she would have preferred pecans, but that didn't stop her from enjoying each bite. Our scrabble games have created a laugh or two and today we are looking forward to the two and a half hour ride north of Brookings. There are places to stop, biscuits and gravy to feast on in a small restaurant at the wharf in Bandon. The stores and the gallery will get our attention for a short while and then off to Coos Bay and some fun time.

So know I will miss blogging for a couple of days. You probably can use a rest from my babble, and it will give me new fodder for the next time I write to you. Meanwhile, you have a new day, the start of a new week leading into Memorial Day with all its fesivities . . . get out and about and enjoy your holiday. Monday . . . a new start . . . what could be better than that? Hugs to all.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Traveler

I have tried to keep you apprised of Pat's adventures in Alaska as I try to keep the envy away. She is having just too much fun without me. She tells of places along the route to Seward and mentions Moose Bay, Beluga Point, Cook Inlet as she rides along snapping pictures of beautiful scenery. She visited a fillet station and saw huge red fish which she thought were called Vermilion, even the name sounds beautiful.

In the town of Seward she met friendly people and one couple directed her to a bar called "Flare" where she had the best halibut fish and chips and had the nerve to say she thought of me with every bite full. My green is deepening in color. Then she had the gall to write all about going to a church yard sale where she found a children's book from the forties which had illustrations of Lucille Marsh and she has been looking for years for such a book. All in all I am very happy for her and I am glad that she is out and about sight seeing and enjoying every moment of her trip. I can hardly wait for her to come home so we can sit and visit as she regales the tales of Alaska. How lucky can we get !
Meanwhile here in Brookings we are having some strange spring weather. We can have everything from fog, to thunder, to hail all in squalls that don't last as the sun comes out, maybe late in the day, but it does come and everything turns to golden hues and smiling faces and yesterday a beautiful wide rainbow showed itself. After finishing up a few household chores Paula and I headed for the casino to play a few of the penny machines and spent too much time and money. It was fun while it lasted but I spent the night coughing and think I've picked up a germ which I don't need or want.
So today, Blessed Sunday, a day to rest, relax and do lots of nothing, chill out, eat out and plot and plan your summer vacation, just make today a good one to satisfy your dreams. I did light the candles and you are all included, so if my Guy in the Sky is listening we should all be on our way to good health, a bit of wealth and a lot of smiles. Hugs to all.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Out and About

A picture from daughter Pat of a mountain in Alaska called Twin Eagle Beaks. It looks like two eaglets that are hungry and crying for mom to come and feed them. I have been able to enjoy all the sights as Pat blogs and keeps me apprised of her adventures. Meanwhile back here in rainy Brookings, Paula and I had a in town day. The sun actually came out so after a stop at the thrift store at the Star of the Sea and lighting the foyer up with a blaze of candle light . . . yes all of you were included . . . I thought it was safe to take a trip around Azalea Park and show off the new Campanile built by Elmo Williams, the Hollywood director of many famous films in honor of his deceased wife Lorraine. He is now ninety seven and still spry and productive. We were walking down the pathway looking at the honeysuckle trees, the huge azalea bushes of all colors and the beautiful Rhody's that are blooming right now. Paula took many pictures and even stopped to help a couple visiting by taking their picture in front of a small corner of this beautiful park. We got to the Campanile and enjoyed the views only to have a huge black cloud pass and dump teeming rain and there we were without an umbrella or rain gear to return to the car at the other end of the park. We sat and visited the lady manning the Campanile and had a chance to learn a little more of its history and admire the woods used in the interior, mostly maples in shades of honey. There was a baby deer laying under the bushes in the yard area that was smart enough to get up and run for cover. I wondered about the circle of stones that were placed in the area thinking of Indian Lore but it turned out there were little saplings growing and the stones were to keep the deer away. When it let up enough for us to walk back to the parking lot we walked a bit faster than in the going . . . I surprised myself by working up a panting gait and enjoyed a walk in the raindrops. Our stop at Manley Art Center was interesting and fun. The art work is always wonderful to see and now some of the jewelry makers have displays in glass cases that are lighted. My friend Marge has her jewelry there and her pieces are truly beautiful. She introduced us to the ladies sitting around the work table in the back room, all senior members, each doing a project that was different. One working Swedish knitting; another making crocheted hats. The lady making a design on a denim purse was working unprocessed wool (just before it is carded) using a long needle, into a colorful picture. Each one busy and productive although some had hands that were frozen in time. It was a wake up call and one of pride as I saw fellow octogenarians working and enjoying life, a far cry from sitting and waiting to die. I had such a feeling of pride for each of them and said so.
We watched the waves at Sporthaven. Paula said she had to have her 'ocean fix' for the day. It was a more serene scene than the day before as the ocean was calmer and the seagulls were flying all around. We made our last stop at the bird store and I picked up some bird seed to entice the birds to make use of the bird houses in my yard. It is a new store, run by nice folks, and they have chosen so many beautiful garden gadgets useful and whimsical. We had stopped at Panchos and had some of their tasty dishes so it meant no big dinner after we got home again. Paula said she didn't want melted cheese in her Philly sandwich so she got to be the cook and she did a good job.
So today, rain or shine, it is your weekend off so enjoy every minute of it. Don't forget the roast beef, a huge green pepper, a sweet onion to throw in the big black skillet and add a few drops of water as you stir things up. Oh don't forget the Worsterchester sauce for flavor and throw in the cheese last and let it melt and spoon it over a hogie roll and enjoy. A few chips wont hurt and that little cup of applesauce tops it off . . . jeez and I haven't even had my coffee!!!! Make today a tasty day. Hugs to all.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sight Seeing

Thursday is a good day when you have sight seeing to do and that is exactly what we did yesterday when the sun came out early in the day and stayed out; nothing short of a miracle as this morning I opened the blinds to pouring rain. Daughter Patricia and I found that Whales Head restaurant has the best clam chowder around so in knowing this I knew just where we were to go to have out lunch. The huge white clouds passed over with a few gray ones in between and one caught my eye as it looked like that little pac-man hustling around gobbling everything up. Gobbling the dark clouds was fine as we got to see the thunder heads whirling about. The road was an adventure in itself as it needs resurfacing badly. The road 'fathers' should be doing something about this particular road as it leads down on to the beach and the river where the huge whale rocks are located. The road is narrow and winding and full of huge pot holes. Let me say that you 'mince' your way down, driving normally would get you in big trouble. We made it to the parking lot and met a lovely couple from San Jose sight seeing with their little dog who was sixteen years old, a cutie and loved to be petted. They warned us the pathway to the water was treacherous as the rain had left the sloping mud path slippery. We didn't make it down to the water but we stopped where there was a field full of bright yellow buttercups. I had to smile when the lady picked one up and held it to her husband's chin. I asked if she remembered the little ditty we used to sing as children but she didn't remember it either. If any of you who are reading my blog knows it, please e mail me and let me know the words (
Paula and I went up to Gold Beach seeing we couldn't get down to the water at Whaleshead and took pictures of the old derelict boat that is covered in moss which makes it look like it was painted green. We checked out the gift store and meandered over to the thrift shop and then back to Whaleshead for our lunch. The chowder was just as delicious as the last time, and the time before, and the fish and chips were cooked to perfection. I miss daughter Pat, my constant companion and all around sweetheart of a daughter. I can hardly wait to tell her that one of her yard sale items I confiscated because I thought it was something I couldn't live without and there on the shelf was a piece, twice as big, with a price tag of $129.99, same artist, same clay, same subject with a variance but we had a treasure and didn't know it. I wonder what this smaller piece is worth? Made my day!
So if you get a chance to get out there and sight see, keep your eye open and see if you can find a treasure. Make sure you stop off and have some clam chowder and fish and chips . . . or a Big Mac, but enjoy the day, today, it's a brand new one waiting to be filled with the joy of living. Hugs to all.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sylvia's Attic

The rain is back for most of the day, every day this week, with the exception of an hour of sunshine which makes me want to rush outside and absorb the vitamin D that is so necessary for our mental outlook. Of course a Hershey Special Dark Chocolate bar or a box of the delightful morsels can put you in a good mood. Paula and I rode down to Sporthaven and watched the wild waves come in as they showed off their powerful motions creating havoc at the bar and no fishing boats dared go out to sea. The gulls were huddled over in the open fields and the few that managed to fly about were not flying but gliding in the currents. Sights to see but not a 'camera' day.

We had been to Sylvia's Attic the day before which is located over in Crescent City. Sylvia has discovered books and the shop that once was filled with antiques and many yard sale treasures is now a treasure trove of books of every kind. They are in book cases in the front of the store, then on tables and now in and amongst the bric a brac crowding out all of the beautiful glass ware. I noticed a new table of figurines now that I no longer collect them. Did I ever tell you that story? My daughter Christine used to, and for that matter still does love to read, and during her high school years Georgette Hyer was one of her favorite authors. She wrote about English history in the eighteen hundreds so when I saw some beautiful figurines depicting the lords and ladies of the time, I bought them to give to my daughter . . . well, that was my intention. When she visited I showed her the figurines and she reacted with a bored 'nice' and no enthusiasm and I found out why. . . she collects dragons!!!! At our last yard sale boxes of figurines went to the highest bidder. I learned a lesson though . . . so I'm sticking to my books and laughing as my daughter waltzed in the door with a lovely little figurine lamp for MY collection.
So today, rain or shine, check out the antique stores and the thrift shops and see if you can find something no one wants. It is fun and you will be amazed at what you can find. Friend Paula found twelve paper back books she had not read and we went right to the Post Office to get one of their new boxes and ship them back to her home in Arkansas. She now has enough reading material to satisfy her lust for words and is very happy as 'back home' the books sell for half the original cost of the book and no trades unless they are in pristine condition. Here we are spoiled as we pick up used paper backs for a quarter or fifty cents at most. Find time to fill your cup with your most favorite drink, a cozy nook and cuddle up with a good book. Hugs to all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's In the news !!

Laughter is good for us, the subject matter is up for grabs; but it is the news of the moment for the folks who live in Arizona. I wish I had the wherewith all to show the pictures in an attachment today of the littered desert used by the illegals to enter the USA. Thousands of water bottles, back packs, clothing, human feces leaving a trail for someone to pick up . . . but who? When it is not in 'my' back yard, why worry? So when you read that Arizona has signed a law banning illegals from abusing them and their state, give it a little thought because sooner or later each of us is effected by all that is going on.
An extremely sad and heart rending story of people fleeing their own country to hope for a better life. Human beings wanting a small piece of the American Pie. People who can't wait to follow the immigration laws and enter as the millions did so long ago. They came with a sponsor, clean health, and helped built America into a strong nation. We have all had to follow the law and it is a puzzle as to why our leaders have ignored the law of the land and allowed millions of illegals to enter our country, give them amnesty and help them to remain a captive audience to poverty, then hope as they dole out our tax dollars to keep more and more illegals entering our country. The president of Mexico is here for a visit. I find that interesting. I wonder why.
Meanwhile our cartoonists find a way to keep us apprised and you have to give them credit for telling it as it is, our news folks seem to have gone into hiding. So today, light a candle, it cannot hurt and it may help to show some light on a huge problem that seems to have no easy answers.
For those of you who have been following Pat's travels. She made it to Anchorage without incident. She should have taken at least one more day on the rough roads that she likened to roads under construction but knowing my daughter's mindset in getting to where she is going . . . you know the type . . . get in the car, start it up and don't stop until you get to where you are going. I'm glad she is there in one piece and her promise of pictures are coming so I'll share them as soon as I get them. Her words are of high praise for the beautiful scenery, but the wildlife and the whales seem to delight her even more. I hope you day is filled with small pleasures that make your heart smile. Hugs to all.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A fact or two

Whatever happened to our patriotism? Why have we become so complacent that we can not stand to honor our own flag? Lack of spirit? Lack of pride? or just plain lazy? This picture sure stood out, one crippled veteran stood in honor of the flag passing by. I'd like to post this picture in every newspaper in America and maybe shake up the generation who never gives a thought to what our flag actually stands for. No wonder we are becoming less.

There has to be a dozen or more programs feeding the 'poor' children of America and the new First Lady is expounding words and gestures to make every parent aware of the obesity that is rampant in our children and nothing is working. Fast foods, chemicals, messing with our food chain has all helped to make Americans as round as the American Pie. Lack of exercise helped by the new electronic 'toys' doesn't help either. Looking back to when I was a child . . . oh I really was, once a long time ago, we never stayed indoors. We were out running, racing, biking, hiking, finishing the dreaded chores, and our choice of treats were the vegies in the garden you washed with the hose and enjoyed the bite of a radish, the sourness of the rhubarb or an apple from the tree or even a pear or plum. We lost 'skinny' when we found fast foods and what a price we have paid. I wish the First Lady success and hope there will be a lot more action than rhetoric.
And now we get to the good stuff. Daughter Pat sent these photos this morning. This is the Ferry Boat she has just spent three days on and her fear of sea sickness was for naught as she hung over the rail and took pictures. She said the boat was slow, steady and the waters calm.

She sighted her first whale and I can bet she was really excited as here in our whale watching town we usually just see the spout and rarely much of the whale, but up there in the Alaskan waters she will see them breech and a tail or two. She is back on the road today and will be on jeep roads, good thing she is driving a jeep.
So today, whether you are driving a jeep or a junker, or a Caddy, enjoy the spin around your town and park your car so you can get out and walk or run, exercise can only make you strong and healthy and hungry (smile). Make today memorable and do something good for YOU. Hugs to all.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tootie Fruiti

It is Monday . . . the start of a new week, the middle of the month of May that has been one of the strangest weather patterns as it remains cold and windy when the clouds disappear. At least the fog has gone this morning. Maybe, we are going to be lucky and see the sun early today, I hope so as Paula and I are going to go out to lunch and meet friends and indulge in one of those 'full' of calorie pies at the Tea Room. I've been waiting for some months to get up there and choose my favorite; the trouble is which favorite? lemon, chocolate or maybe that coconut cream . . . when I open the other eye I'll have to give it some thought as I cut up that low calorie melon I bought at the store for our breakfast today.

My neighbor LaVerne stopped in to say hello and greet Paula. Her husband Jim is slowly making inroads on the comeback trail from a heart attack. It seems he lost his appetite along the way and we were having a discussion about what foods can bring back some energy. I shared some of the ling cod Pat brought over last week and he enjoyed a tiny taste of it. Hopefully his energy will quicken so he can enjoy the upcoming 90th birthday bash they have planned for him.

We rode over to Sporthaven beach and watched the tide roll in. The waves became higher and the white caps spewed their lacy froth up to the beach. The sea gulls were mulling around hoping we would share that ice cream we were eating. Slug and Stones still has the best ice cream around and I tried something a little different. I asked for butter pecan ice cream with hot chocolate sauce, no fancy cream, nuts or cherries, just the basics and it was delicious. Try it, next time you are in the mood for an ice cream cone in a sugar cone, although I cut a couple of calories by having mine in a plain old white carton cup. It still tasted like manna from heaven, and I wonder why I do not lose weight . . . I once told my husband that once I hit the ripe old age of fifty I would never count another calorie and I hoped he would still love a plump wife. His response was, "I do." Well, you know he got his favorite desert baked for him from then on.

So today, do yourself a favor and order your favorite desert. Don't stand up to eat it, sit down, relax, pick up that fork or spoon and start slowly to savor the delicious flavor, the texture and the feeling that all is right in your world. A new day . . . make it a jelly belly day and smile a lot. Hugs to all.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Good morning!

Sunday morning my friend Paula, who is visiting from Arkansas, is out in my kitchen making coffee, now that is the kind of guest every one needs to have. We went out to celebrate last night and came home in the pitch black of night as I struggled to find the key hole in the dark. I forgot to put on the porch light . . . well I don't usually get to go out after dark! Prime rib and all the trimmings tasted very good at the Lucky Seven and as both of us love to play the penny machines, all in favor of the House . . . and we know that, as we tried for the illusive jackpot but all we had was fun. There were three new machines that were fun to play although the payout was far from what we expected. It wouldn't hurt for the casinos to pay out a little bit more so you can last longer.

Today we are having an 'in' day and will play scrabble and gab. If the sun comes out we will ride over to Sporthaven and walk the beach for exercise. I'm looking forward to several beach walks this week and hope we get up to Gold Beach when there is a minus tide and see if there any agates to be found.

I am wondering how daughter Patricia is doing on that Ferry boat and hope the waters are calm and the people friendly. It will be good when she has her lap top up and running and we can follow her adventures. I hope her ears are burning so she knows I am thinking about her.

So today have a 'down' day, read the Sunday paper, watch Bob Cheever and catch up on the latest political news, and check and see what movie is on. Put your feet up and power nap now and then and every once in awhile open the fridge and see what is in it that will please your fancy taste buds. That reminds me, I better go and unfreeze something for our dinner today. I'm off to have my first cup of coffee and open the other eye. Make today a lazy day and enjoy yourself. Hugs to all.