My e-mail this morning had a dozen posters from World War II, which brought back a memory or two of growing up with a few minor sacrifices on our part like using stamps for sugar and learning to drink coffee without it. Going without a few luxuries we couldn't afford anyway. Putting our pennies into war bonds and stamps to help our men who were over seas fighting for freedom, first for our
allies then for ourselves as Pearl Harbor came and shocked us into the real world. The posters were many and so well done as a call to arms for everyone. I'm not seeing posters today although we have been in wars constantly since World War II and there does not seem to be a let up for our future generation. On September 11, 2001 Islamic terrorists took down the twin towers in New York City killing three thousand Americans and visitors from other nations. We lost 39 of our fighting men in
Afghanistan in June and there have been no words or posters in their behalf. Well, the tea party folks have a few signs and are pretty clear on how they feel about what is going on in America. They are in the frying pan and being called raciest but we know they are patriots who are trying to wake us up to the facts, something is wrong, very wrong in America these days. It is time for the artists to get out their tools of their trade and come up with some posters to remind us to be patriotic and fight for our rights. The Women fought for our right to vote and we finally got it . . . how many use it? How many appreciate those women who suffered greatly but fought on until they got us freedom to be first class citizens and not chattels. There was a recent e-mail with an attachment showing pictures of these women who were jailed, beaten and treated like enemies of the country. Let's hope they didn't go through all that in vain. Most of us cannot join a service and fight but we can and should vote but not without paying full attention to what is transpiring around us. Words can be cheap or meaningful and the silent words of a vote can change our world for the better if we pay attention. My what a few posters stir up and I was not going to be political today.
So today, stop, look and listen and learn something about what is happening in your neck of the woods. Here in Brookings we have a couple of 'big shots' one male, the other female, fighting loud enough for the newspaper to print words and pictures, such an example for our children. What we need is a poster showing them how they look to the public they are supposedly serving. Oh well, politics, death and taxes . . . never ending . . . go out build the economy, buy a banana split for desert and enjoy every fattening calorie in it. Hugs to all.
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