Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Nevada Tea Party

This sign posted in Arizona warns people to stay away from this particular area and BLM encourages visitors to use public lands north of interstate 8 . . . wouldn't you think this sign would be enough to squash any planned 'suing' by the Feds. We should be thankful for the warning signs but where are the defenders of American soil? Why aren't our leaders stomping their feet and screaming to the roof tops stopping 'active drug and human smuggling'? Well, some of our citizens are up shouting about what is going on in our country and they are now being slandered by the same Feds as rabble rouse rs and discriminators of the Black people . . . strange there are many black people in the ranks of the 'tea party folks' who believe in America and what it stands for. The pictures are from a Nevada tea party where Harry Reid is up for reelection. It looks like he isn't going to get any backing from these folks and if I were still living in Nevada I would be first in line to vote him out of his office. He was always soft spoken but never a follower as Nevada meant something to him and now power has changed him and not for the better. It is sad to see. I don't know about you, but I am afraid this is all going to get way out of hand as we hear more about the 'Black Panthers' bullying voters at the polls, or our own Federal government brings suits against states that want to stand up and protect their own borders from the onslaught of 'drugs and smuggling' . . . how strange and frightening our own back yard is becoming . . . history is knocking on our door.
So today, say a prayer, remember we 'hold these truths to be self evident' as our founding fathers said when they put the Constitution together . . . believe in the power of your vote, pay attention to what is actually happening and make up your own mind as to what you want to live with. Drugs and smuggling of weapons into our country is not a productive way to go, one makes you weak and the other takes your life . . . six more of our men died in Afghanistan yesterday but the headlines were all about Mel Gibson and his love life, maybe we should send him over there or up to the 'hill'. Life is sometimes a bowl of sour cherries; well, change it, go out and find a bowl of sweet ones. Hugs to all.

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