Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorials and Such

There is always a twinge of melancholy on Memorial Day as the celebrations go on to honor the veterans of all wars, and sad to say, even those that are dying each day in what is known as a 'conflict'. I do not understand the whys and am no expert in debating the right and wrong of sending our young men and women into an area without giving them the full backing of 'winning' this war on terrorism.

On the news last night there was an Islam cleric defending the building of a new mosque where the twin towers stood. Something is very wrong. He tells us that Islam is not an enemy of America and its people, then went on to tell us that our freedom of religion gives them the right to build wherever they choose . . . so why choose that particular area where thousands were killed on 911? Those victims of the bombing are truly veterans of a war they never knew existed. My hope is that the leaders of our nation will see that this mosque is not build on what should be 'hallowed ground'.

As I said the holiday brings a few sad thoughts along with the annual parade that brings tears of pride to your eyes when the flag goes by and the band plays. Hats off to the community members who work so hard to bring about the beautiful floats. Here in Brookings the sun was shining and our street was used as a detour for several hours. I saw trucks and cars go by my house, even a land whale or two, as they created noise on our quiet street. I'm glad to know it is not going to be a daily happening.

My other news this morning is that a bird has decided to nest in the eaves of the house, knocking three panels of mesh of the air vents which keep things neat and tidy. She has decided to leave her slippery, sloppy, white turds all over the porch and the side of the house and I have taken to battle.
I filled a pail with hot soapy water with bleach and ammonia in it, almost died from breathing the fumes, and have added a mop as well as a broom as I go out and fight the battle with momma bird. She sits on her nest and listens to my noise and attempt to evict her. She is an expert in ignoring me, but yesterday I poked a long wire up into the eaves hoping to scare her away and maybe catch the nest and remove it . . . wishful thinking on my part as my little step ladder was not tall enough to do the job right, or the fact that I am not really a steady or courageous enough to climb the wobbly kitchen ladders. So for two days I have done battle only to find last evening another onslaught on the porch . . . yep, today I will do battle again if I can get my courage up to climb one more rung of the ladder and give her the poke she deserves. Such thanklessness when I allowed her to nest there and watched as she gathered her leaves and twigs. I didn't think she would thank me by giving me her smelly wet sloppy turds.

So today, if you are not out bird fighting, check and see what is going on in your neighborhood. I hope you have a parade with marching bands and are invited to the first bar-b-qu of the season. My guest has gone and gifted me with a new puzzle so you know what I am doing today. Join me if you can, there are a thousand pieces waiting for attention. Hugs to all . . . Engarde! ! !

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