Saturday, May 1, 2010

Laugh or Cry ! !

It is great that we have a sense of humor or we would sit in a corner and cry with all of the intense problems facing us as a nation. I wont ask how you feel about the current law passed in Arizona as each of us has an opinion and we are entitled to it. I personally think that our leaders have let us down, dating back about thirty years, when they did not take a stand and abide by our immigration laws.
My ancestors were immigrants who came in under the rules and had to have a clean bill of health, a job, a sponsor to get through Ellis Island. They worked hard at low paying jobs and took a lot of abuse along the way but they wanted to be citizens of the new country that offered them a better way of life. We now have millions of illegal non citizens, some are criminals in our jails, some are bringing in drugs and weapons and some are here for the very reasons our own forebears came . . . the want of a new life out of poverty and rejection. There is a saying about walking in someones shoes to know how it feels, and I think each of us has an understanding of the needs in life, but the majority of us have obeyed the rules and find it difficult to understand what brought about a free ride to undocumented people from other lands. I wonder what would happen if a million of us decided to move to Mexico, or to Russia, or to one of the Islands and expect the government to feed and clothe us. I have a feeling we would be slaughtered at the gate and no questions asked.
There are no easy answers to how we, the United States of America, are becoming a third world country, but continuing on the road we are on is like a road paved with good intentions and we all know the rest of that . . . it leads to hell. Would a prayer or two help? I think if we all ask for guidance we will get it, as each of us is part of the answer to the problems, by words, deeds and that freedom to vote.
So today, my musings are somber as I look at the political images of what is going on in our world. We are suppose to laugh at ourselves when we become too serious. Yet . . . how can one laugh as their world is falling apart before their eyes. Examine you . . . know yourself and if you are not strong enough to fight, get behind those who are strong enough as there are millions of us who want the laws of our land obeyed.

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