In the town of Seward she met friendly people and one couple directed her to a bar called "Flare" where she had the best halibut fish and chips and had the nerve to say she thought of me with every bite full. My green is deepening in color. Then she had the gall to write all about going to a church yard sale where she found a children's book from the forties which had illustrations of Lucille Marsh and she has been looking for years for such a book. All in all I am very happy for her and I am glad that she is out and about sight seeing and enjoying every moment of her trip. I can hardly wait for her to come home so we can sit and visit as she regales the tales of Alaska. How lucky can we get !
So today, Blessed Sunday, a day to rest, relax and do lots of nothing, chill out, eat out and plot and plan your summer vacation, just make today a good one to satisfy your dreams. I did light the candles and you are all included, so if my Guy in the Sky is listening we should all be on our way to good health, a bit of wealth and a lot of smiles. Hugs to all.
I miss you too. Nice photos!! ; P