Saturday, May 8, 2010


The birthday lady with Darlene and Dee at the end of a wonderful meal, ice tea (wink, wink) and so many lovely presents. Peat, the Royal Sultan of the Birthday Group wonders what all the hullabaloo is about . . . yes, Maggie was singing 'Happy Birthday to You" . . . a very good time was had by all. Wish you could join us, good company, good food and a lot of laughter.
In my yard, the rhodys are blooming, each bush more beautiful than the last. They don't last long but while in bloom they are very beautiful.

This is my tea tree thriving on the side garden and the resident deer are not eating it up. They love the rhodys and I have a couple of bushes that have not grown an inch as they devour the new leaves every day.

This bush is right by the front porch and I can see it out of the living room window every day.

Pat went to the Home Show and won a prize and this is it. I got to have it on my porch as she is taking off for her trip to Alaska this week. I hope I don't kill it with kindness. I'm very good about killing off house plants and have no idea why.

So today, take a walk out and visit your garden and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. If you don't have a garden then drop by your local park and enjoy the plantings that are there. If you don't have a park to visit, then the next best thing is to stop at the florist and treat yourself to a beautiful plant in full bloom. It can only bring you a sense of self as it brings out the very best in you. Hugs to all.

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