Friday, June 18, 2010

AHA ! ! !

I have been telling you about the new yard art in the neighbor's house, just two houses north of me and found it hard to describe I didn't have nerve enough to walk up to take a picture of what was on going, but a lovely friend drove by and used her trusty camera to 'tell all'. When I asked what this was going to be, the owner told me it was "Noah's Ark" so I've been waiting for the ship and the animals and it may come to that, as one never knows what is in the mind of the land owner for his new 'digs'. I sent a copy off to son John who identified a hawser and I think he added ballast to his note so I looked them up in the dictionary this morning so I could enlighten me as well as you. A hawser (to hoist) is a cable or rope used in mooring or towing a ship. Ballast is heavy material placed in the hold of a ship or the gondola of a balloon to enhance stability. So now we know!!! We have hawsers and ballast from a former Navy man who loves the sea and the ships and wants them in his front yard. So far the neighbors are curious, dumb struck to the size and shapes facing them as they look out their windows. One remarked that the owner just dumped this mess on his front lawn without weeding . . . maybe we will be lucky and the weeds will grow up and around them and a jungle will take over and hide it all. As my neighbor LaVerne said when she stopped in last evening, . . ."did I tell you he is putting up spears in the back yard?" Spears? Big and long? A jungle to house Noah's Ark animals? Um . . . this new neighbor inherited the property from his mother who just passed away at age ninety-two; a woman of means, a woman of temper; a woman who must be spinning in her grave as she was one who had a fit and conniptions if a drop of oil fell on her drive way. Her son was her favorite and the love of her life so maybe she indulged him a little more than she should have. He is having trouble selling his home in southern California to move up here and these hawsers and stuff have been shipped up here to alleviate the crowding of the property there. Wonder what it looks like? Wonder what else is coming this way? Whatever, he has stirred up the neighborhood and we can hardly wait to see what is in 'store' for us. Meanwhile there is no use getting upset as there is no way one could sneak out in the night and remove the yard art, which by the way, are actual relics from real true Navy ships. Our neighbor is a collector.
So today, when you are out and about,look around and see what kind of collectors are in your neighborhood. If someone needs an idea or two, show them the picture of our new 'navy junk yard' showing off in its beautiful red, white and blues. I was hoping for patriotic neighbors to fly their flags but this was totally unexpected . . . I'll get used to it. I might even like it when it is completed . . . or is it? More later, I might even ask "Leon" to pose sitting on a hawser. Make today a fun day, do something silly and grin a lot. Hugs to all.

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