Sunday, June 6, 2010


Daughter Christine plotted and planned to come for a visit but it was not meant to be as her car acted up and she took it to her mechanic only to find that he did not have the part needed to repair it. One delay after another and time was gone so new plans have to be made. The second attempt was no more successful than the first so we decided to chuck the whole idea for now, wait for the weather to change to summer . . . well one can hope . . . and plan a get-away when she has vacation time. What we will do, where we will go is in the think tank at the moment, but we will do a together time and enjoy a first class reunion. It has been much too long since I've had a hug, and you know me, I am always ready for a hug. I miss having alone time with each of my children. I like having them together too but the one on one is always special and it gives each one a chance to be 'my favorite'.
How about this eagle!!! It doesn't look very patriotic but it really is as each flower represents its state and someone ingenious came up with a beautiful representation of the symbol of our nation. It is Sunday morning June 6 th . . . D Day when the allied forces invaded Europe in 1944. A day to remember for those that gave their lives for the cause of freedom and for those that came back home with untold memories. Today is a good day to remember them all.

It's Sunday, hopefully with a bit of sunshine. It is shopping day and I'm my way to find out what Fred Meyers store has to offer in the line of specials. Hopefully a few items that can save me a penny or two. I see there is a coupon for my favorite coffee, Yuban, and it is $4.99 instead of $12.99 a can. How they can explain the difference in their pricing is interesting, but then they don't explain how they juggle the prices around, they don't have to as we are a captive audience in our small town. For the most part I see a variance in prices on a daily tour of the store and find a fifty cent difference here and there on an item I usually buy. I've learned to watch carefully and buy two to beat the odds that Freddy's will double the price on my special item then put it on sale. You have to be inventive to save a penny here and there when it comes to buying groceries and getting fresh produce that wont rot before you get it in the door. Oh my soap box is at the ready!!

So today, if you are out shopping for groceries, check the prices and if they upped it a quarter or a dollar, forget it, next week it will be on sale. Eat healthy, lots of fruits and vegetables . . . watch out for the hidden fat in beef, but oh for a really good steak, fat and all . . . there's something about a prime rib or a sirloin that makes the taste buds stand up and be counted. Wonder if I can find a good one. Stay healthy and happy. Hugs to all.

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