Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Signs of the Time!

Casa D'Ice is a restaurant in North Versailes, Pa., near Pittsburgh according to the caption. The owner found a way to make a statement about how he feels about the current events in our history. As a free American he has the right and not everyone is going to agree with him, but I am betting if there was a poll, his signs would win and folks would beg for more.
Politics and Religion, two subjects that you cannot argue about as each are personal choices. You personally have your own convictions about what you think, how you live, what you truly believe in and living in a free country you have been able to do just that, choose what you want and how you want to live your life.
Over the past sixty years we have seen changes to our way of life, a slow erosion of our mores and morals from the highest elected officials to the poorest of the poor. We could site numerous problems that should have and could have been resolved but greed got the upper hand. As my cartoon friend Maxine says, "I believe that nothing ever gets so bad that I can't make it a little worse." . . . food for thought as each of us contributes a little each day to the unresolved conflicts in our world .
So today as you go about your personal business look around you and stop, look and listen, and you might be able to give a thought, a look, a smile to some one person who is just struggling to get by in this crazy upheaval that is going on this very day. As the saying goes, 'it is better to light one little candle . . . ' and it is . . . maybe we can light the way to peace and sanity knowing we have a very long way to go. Make today a very special day, just like you . . . Hugs to all.

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