Friday, June 4, 2010


The clouds are heavy and more rain is forecast for today and the only one in town smiling is daughter Patricia who just returned from the warm dry climate of Alaska. I am puzzled as our weather is coming from the north so some little mortimor the sneakaroo is sending cold rainy weather to our coast for days and days and days. Usually I do not mind rain and wind but it is getting a little much, after all this is June. April showers were fine; May flowers beautiful but June rain is something else again. My bones ache for the want of sunshine and I am hearing the young ones complain too. Oh well, this too will pass, and soon I'll be griping and groaning about the intense heat as I have a feeling once we do get our sunshine it is going to be very hot. The temperatures around the country, according to the weather map, are already reaching the high notes. Our weather has turned extreme so it will be interesting to see how we all fare this summer.
Well daughter Patricia is home safe and sound and she brought Emma over to visit yesterday. Emma has grown into a full fledged beautiful blonde with soulful eyes and a perchance for fun and games. She went into my bedroom and pulled the stuffed seagull off of my bed, knowing it is a play toy she can have and then brought it out for me to play tug of war with. The only thing is that she is much too strong for me and I can't get her to play gently with it as she wants to play rough and show off a bit. She loves to have her belly scratched and then lead me to the kitchen where her treats are stored. She sits and waits patiently, snaps up her treat and then goes back to play. She and Pat will now get back into their routine and the first thing will be her demand for a long walk. She now has a new halter of sorts that keeps her in line for walking without all the tugging and wandering off to catch whatever floats by her eyes. It only took her a few minutes to settle back into her routine after having a three week vacation with Jock's two dogs. He took very good care of her but I am betting he is happy to be down to two dogs to walk every morning, although he might have a twinge or two without Emma the clown; Emma the beautiful; Emma who brings love and laughter into our lives.
So today, hopefully you have a pet to love and care for, one you can take out for a walk. Our friend Jo has a leash for her cat, Oscar, who has wandered a time or two, but found there is no place like home. Get busy, write and tell me about your pet and brag a bit. Make your today a sunshine one, even if the rain droplets fall. Hugs to all.

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