Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday Morning, la, la, la . . .

AAH, the luxury of a Saturday morning. It is a cold one here this morning for the nineteeth of June, summer is very slow to come this year.
I baby-sat Emma yesterday after her operation . . . no puppies for Emma. She was calm, cool and collected, not in the mood to run around. I'd say she was a bit on the woozy side but that was fine as she lay out in the warmth of the sun and recuperated. She made an attempt to bring me one of her play toys to play tug-of=war, but that only lasted a minute and she plopped down and went back to sleep. It was a nice change to sit in Pat's yard on the new plastic chairs, a bit low for this old body, but, I did manage to get out of one all by myself. An 'aha' accomplishment for the day. Those raspberry donuts she left for me along with a pot of hot coffee were put to good use and I had a chance to do some magazine reading for a change. 'Sunset' had some great recipes which I thought might be fun to try . . . that is in my mind . . . no way am I going out and buy all the fancy ingredients to make one up, although they really did sound delicious. As it was, I came home and made myself a nice juicy hamburger complete with onion, tomato and a nice piece of dill pickle . . . food for the Gods! and the leftover patty came in handy for my dinner along with a nice bowl of mixed vegetables. So with all my talk about food, I am hungry this morning and my thoughts stray to Blueberry pancakes, after all it is Saturday morning and a good morning to have something extra special. Cereal is great, so is a bowl of hot oatmeal made thick and topped of with brown sugar and raisins; even bacon and eggs or a hot sausage or two with some marmalade on toast . . . yep, it all sounds like it is time to leave you and go and fix something special and celebrate Saturday morning. . . . just think what I can do with Sunday morning . . . tune in and I'll tell you.
So today, sit back, relax, make this Saturday your best one ever. Go and have a nutritious breakfast filled with your most favorite foods. The experts are back to saying coffee and tea are good for the heart . . . well, we already knew that. Don't forget to read the paper and find out what is going on in our world. Hugs to all.

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