Monday, June 14, 2010

Flag Day

I do not have a flag pole to hoist a flag this morning, but if I did it would be showing our stars and stripes in all its glory. I am hoping the news is filled with scenes of our flag flying high and proud. I have a little one I will put in the front door window.
Our flag means freedom and with three new neighbors moving into our quiet street, we are getting a taste of 'different' as a huge truck pulled up in front of the new neighbors, only a door away, to drop off huge, and I mean huge, round shapes that resemble a plug of sorts. I had a call from a neighbor asking if I had seen these huge pestles, for want of a better word, and I said no, what are they? She said, "Go look." I did and couldn't make out what they were or what was being 'planted' on the front lawn. A little while later I dropped off a salad packet my neighbor asked me to pick up at the store and it gave me a chance to meet and greet the new owners. I had to admit to being curious. "What are you planning?" I asked politely and was told, "Noah's Ark". My imagination went skyward as I looked at the huge pestles and my mind soared with the thought of the size it was going to be. I can hardly wait to see the finished product. and wondered if it was going to be larger than the house itself. I have no idea how long it will be in the making but I am already sure it is going to create a lot of raised eye brows and a few comments of interest I'm sure. Maybe this is one way to choke out the weeds, time will tell.
Speaking of weeds, Chon came by to clear the ditch in our back property. This ditch runs from the top of our street, down behind the houses to the end of the block. From what I have learned, so far, the original owners gave the city the right to dig a ditch on the properties for runoff, so it is some kind of 'deeded' land to the city, but how does this make us responsible for its upkeep. Now this is wrong, unfair, and I am really upset about it. I have to pay someone to come in and 'muck' it out at least twice a year. This year even more as we have had so much rain the weeds have taken over completely. There are dandelions three feet tall and that is not an exaggeration. Along with the ditch is a neighbor's ten foot tall bush that grows wild and adds to the mess in the ditch and again it is something that has to be clipped and taken care of as it contributes to filling the ditch with big and beautiful WEEDS , yes beautiful, as they are tiny colorful flowers showing off , and the long thorny tenticles will eventually become huge black berry bushes. Help ! ! If you have any solutions, please let me know as I bubble and squeak about the unfairness of it all.
So today, when you are starting a new week, and it is already the middle of June, think about your neighbors and what you can do to keep harmony in your neighborhood. Our fog is back this morning but hopefully it will burn off and the day will become bright and beautiful . . . just like YOU. Do you know dandelions makes into delicious wine? I do not have the recipe, too bad as I could go into a new business. Hugs to all.

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